Sunday, April 22, 2012

Learning Computer Coding - Result

Finally it has arrived. The certificate.

Yes, I feel a little proud of this.
It has been quite some work to learn all the things needed to get this. And it was fun.

And I have to admit that by now I don't quite remember a few of the more "advanced" things we were taught.
I notice this in the second course at Udacity (CS262) [Goal there is to learn about programming languages while building a web browser!] when asked to do something in a quiz or homework that is based on the previous course. I do know the basic idea but have forgotten the details on how to get to the wanted result. OK, not all is forgotten.
I will see at the end of these next 7 (6 now) weeks how well I do.

And yes, I also started another course there. Udacity (CS253) with the goal to learn about engineering web applications. By the end of the class, you will have built your own blog.
The first unit was quite interesting basics with only one homework -- to get the first tiny app online. Quite different to coding: installing and using a new program.

It's fun and I learn a lot (or get a good overview of what I already knew in a different perspective). So, perhaps at the end of the 7 weeks term I can have a little (self-coded) app on my website or have a not-prefabricated blog.

Who knows???!!


  1. Errata - The goal of 262 is to make a web browser. Making a blog is the goal of 253. :)

    1. Oh - thank you. Checked it and edited it. I did get them mixed up a bit it seems. Maybe I should only take one course at a time??!!
